Описание курса «Anatomy of the skeletal system»

Название курса:
Anatomy of the skeletal system
федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет им. Н. П. Огарёва»
Дата начала курса:
Понедельник, 1 октября 2018
Продолжительность курса:
7 нед.
Общая трудоемкость:
Тип курса:
Без типизации
Запись на курс:
В любое время
Возможность получить сертификат:
Описание курса

The course "Anatomy of the skeletal system" consists of two sections. The first section "Osteology" is devoted to the anatomy of the bones of the trunk (vertebrae, ribs, sternum), upper limb (shoulder blade, collarbone, humerus, forearm and hand bones) and lower extremity (pelvic bone, femur, bones of the shin and foot).  The second section "Craniology" is devoted to the structure of the bones of the cerebral part of the skull (frontal, parietal, occipital, latticed, cuneate, temporal bones) and bones of the facial part of the skull (upper jaw, lower jaw, palatine, malar, nasal, lacrimal bones, lower nasal concha, vomer, hyoid bone). The structure of the vault and the base of the skull, the orbit, the nasal cavity, the hard palate, the temporal fossa, the pterygoid fossa, as well as the sex, age and individual features of the structure of the human skull are considered. The course is prepared in English, and Latin anatomical terminology is also used.

Программа (содержание) курса

The course "Anatomy of the skeletal system" is suggested for foreign students of medical institutes, speciality "General Medicine" to study the sections of the discipline "Anatomy". The course includes two sections: "Osteology" and "Craniology". It is studied for 28 hours (0.78 zet).

Course program:

Section 1. Osteology (1.1. Introduction. Typical vertebra. Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, cocccygeal vertebrae. Vertebral column; 1.2. Ribs, sternum. Thoracic cage as a whole; 1.3. Scapula, clavicle, humerus; 1.4. Bones of the forearm and hand; 1.5. Hip bone, femur, patella; 1.6. Bones of the leg and foot).

Section 2. Craniology (2.1. Introduction. Frontal, parietal and occipital bones; 2.2. Sphenoid and ethmoid bones; 2.3. Temporal bone; 2.4. Bones of the facial skull; 2.5. Skull as a whole. Base and roof of the skull. Orbit, nasal cavity, hard palate, temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae; 2.6. Age and gender features of the skull. Variants and anomalies of the structure of the bones of the skull).

Входные требования

To master the course successfully, you need a basic general education in the field of human anatomy.

Результаты обучения

Students who have completed a successful course are:

- to know anatomical terms (Russian and Latin); anatomy of organs and systems, details of their structure, their main functions; relations of organs between each other; their projections on the surface of the body; main stages of organs development (organogenesis); age peculiarities of structure of organs and systems; main variants of structure and malformations of organs;

 - to be able to find and to show organs and their parts, details of structure on anatomical specimens, to give correct English and Latin terms; sketch the basic anatomical structures and organs schematically; use textbooks, manuals and scientific literature in studying human anatomy;

 to have skills in: using medical and anatomical definitions; using anatomical instruments and tools (forceps, scalpel and others).

Направления подготовки
31.05.01 Лечебное дело
Авторы курса
Кадыров Алишер Шавкатович
candidate of medical Sciences, associate professor National Research Mordovia State University

Рыбаков Алексей Геннадьевич
candidate of medical Sciences, associate professor National Research Mordovia State University

Презентация курса